Section: New Results

Finance and stochastic control

Second order Pontryagin's principle for stochastic control problems

Participant : Frédéric Bonnans.

In this Hal reprint [25] , we discuss stochastic optimal control problems whose volatility does not depend on the control, and which have finitely many equality and inequality constraints on the expected value of functions of the final state, as well as control constraints. The main result is a proof of necessity of some second order optimality conditions involving Pontryagin multipliers.

On the convergence of the Sakawa-Shindo algorithm in stochastic control

Participant : Frédéric Bonnans.

In the accepted paper [32] , we analyze an algorithm for solving stochastic control problems, based on Pontryagin's maximum principle, due to Sakawa and Shindo in the deterministic case and extended to the stochastic setting by Mazliak. We assume that either the volatility is an affine function of the state, or the dynamics are linear. We obtain a monotone decrease of the cost functions as well as, in the convex case, the fact that the sequence of controls is minimizing, and converges to an optimal solution if it is bounded. In a specific case we interpret the algorithm as the gradient plus projection method and obtain a linear convergence rate to the solution.

Optimal multiple stopping problems

Participant : Frédéric Bonnans.

In the paper [13] we extend some results by Carmona and Touzi [8], who studied an optimal multiple stopping time problem in a market where the price process is continuous. We generalize their results when the price process is allowed to jump. Also, we generalize the problem associated to the valuation of swing options to the context of jump diffusion processes. We relate our problem to a sequence of ordinary stopping time problems. We characterize the value function of each ordinary stopping time problem as the unique viscosity solution of the associated Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman variational inequality. In the paper [14] we deal with numerical solutions to an optimal multiple stopping problem. The corresponding dynamic programing (DP) equation is a variational inequality satisfied by the value function in the viscosity sense. The convergence of the numerical scheme is shown by viscosity arguments. An optimal quantization method is used for computing the conditional expectations arising in the DP equation. Numerical results are presented for the price of swing option and the behavior of the value function.